• (856) 651-7335
  • LRP@LRProject.org
  • Lenapehokink - Salem/Cumberland County, NJ

Kulamàlsi Hàch?

Hello everyone! Please forgive the appearance of this website, as we work to bring it up to speed. Some things on this website as today may not apply to our efforts, but are place-holders, as we gain our footing! In the meantime, please find our summary below. And feel free to donate to our cause, and reach out with any questions!

Lenapehoking Reestablishment Project is geared towards the promoting of Lenape awareness, supporting of tribal youth, & public relations.

The Project-

Started by citizens of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation of New Jersey, the Lenapehoking Reestablishment Project (LRP) is an entity working outside of the capacity of the originating Nation. It prides itself on existing for the people, by the people. With roots in Lenapehoking, the lands of our ancestors, we hope to first build up a portfolio and following of our surrounding communities and organizations that can assist in bringing the public awareness, as well as establishing footholds within our territory. This is currently limited to the Lenape of this area, but with intentions to extend outside to all nations in Lenapehoking, as well as Lenape who descend from Lenape people who were once displaced from the lands of their ancestors…

Lenape and Nanticoke Youth-

One of our primary goals is to assist goals set forth by Tribal Youth of different Nanticoke and Lenape nations, both in and outside of Lenapehoking. For now, this is limited to the New Dawn Youth council.

The Youth Council is comprised of young Nanticoke Lenape people, as well as adopted family of other nations, such as Taino, ranging from ages 13 – 18. This Council is a Youth Government under the sovereignty of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation. Though LRP has no direct affiliation with the Tribal Nation, the founders of LRP are active citizens of this community, and adult advocates for this Youth Council, assisting in creating opportunities and being their voice in settings where they have none. They are our future, and the most important focus as of now.

We dream that one day this will include the Youth Councils of all Nanticoke & Lenape Nations.

Performing Arts-

LRP will include Indigenous Arts, Dance and Song performances, Craft Workshops. This includes Bone Jewelry, Beadwork, Leather Work, Dreamcatchers, Pine Needle Work, and so on. Classes and programs will be tailored to accommodate diverse settings and age groups.

Public Relations-

One of the most important items that have helped our people progress so much in the past few decades is the willingness of our surrounding communities to unlearn what has inaccurately been previously taught in schools. As such, we will continue to perform Q&As, Panel Discussions, fact corrections, lectures, sensitivity training, continue education, etc. These may go hand-in-hand with our Performing Arts.

We look forward to flourishing with your assistance!

Wanishi ok Lapich Knewel! (Thank you and see you later)

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